Liturgical Ministries
Our Sunday Eucharist is the “source and summit” of parish life. The quality of our liturgies, as well as other sacramental celebrations, is enhanced by the presence of parishioners serving in liturgical ministry roles. These liturgical roles at Mass include:
- Lector: Those who proclaim the Word of God at Mass.
- Ministers of Holy Communion: Those who assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful at Mass. (Must meet conditions of eligibility.)
- Minister of Hospitality or Greeter: This ministry provides the “welcoming face of Christ” to all who enter our church. Members welcome worshipers, assisting with seating, taking the offertory collection, guiding the Offertory Procession, and assisting the faithful as they come forward to receive the Body of Christ in Holy Communion.
- Altar Server (children and adults): Those who assist the priest by preparing the altar and lighting candles before Mass, and during Mass leading the Entrance Procession, holding the Roman Missal, and serving during the Offertory. This ministry is open to any boy or girl who has been confirmed and has received First Holy Communion. This ministry is also open to adults, who assist the priest at funeral liturgies and daily Mass. Training is provided for all servers. Adult servers are scheduled on a weekly “rotating” basis.
- Music Ministry: Currently, Christ the King Parish has two choirs; a “traditional” choir, accompanied by organ, and a contemporary choir, “Joyful Praise,” which is usually accompanied by guitar, bass, woodwind instruments and occasionally by percussion. Both choirs welcome new members, (the ability to read music is not a requirement to sing in either choir). If you would like to share your talent by singing, cantoring, or playing an instrument in the traditional choir, please contact George Pecoraro, traditional choir director and organist. If you would like to share your talent by singing, cantoring or playing an instrument in the contemporary choir, please contact Patti Marco, the “Joyful Praise” choir director.
All volunteers, 18 years of age or older, for any of the above ministries must meet Diocesan conditions of eligibility and maintain current required clearances. Parishioners interested in giving of their time and talent for any of these ministries are asked to call the parish office for information.